
New product : Grow Bike Fits a Growing Child

The Grow bike can expand to fit a growing child, doubling its useful life span.

Created by Orbea, the Grow bike includes an adjustable aluminum frame in addition to the standard adjustable handlebars and seat. The bike can accommodate riders from 4 years old to 9 years old and is as sturdy as a conventional bike. Designer Alex Fernandez Camps hopes the adjustable bike will also provide children with a more ergonomic ride.

A veces los objetos van más allá de si mismos. Este es un caso claro de ello. Grow es, además de una bicicleta, una bonita sensación de libertad, la brisa en la cara mientras conducimos nuestra primera bicicleta, las primeras excursiones (auténticos viajes de aventura), la independencia que da tener tu propio vehículo y tantas otras sensaciones y experiencias asociadas al objeto en si.
Grow es una bicicleta diseñada pensando sobre todo en todos estos valores; pero también en la necesidad de consumir objetos durables y de calidad, sensibles industrial y socialmente a lo que necesitamos ir cambiando para mejorar nuestro entorno; en este caso, con ideas, diseños y hechos realidad.

Sometimes the objects beyond themselves. This is a case in point. Grow is also a bicycle, a nice sense of freedom, the breeze on your face while driving our first bike, the first excursions (real adventure travel), giving independence to have your own vehicle and many other feelings and experiences associated the object itself.
Grow is a bike designed mainly thinking about all these values​​, but also the need to consume durable, quality items, industrial and socially sensitive to what we need to be changing to improve our environment, in this case, with ideas, designs and come true.

Official website from the manufacturer : http://www.orbea.com/es-es/bicis/familias/grow/

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