
Business people : 2XU with new brand manager

Filser Sports & Marketing (FSM) occupied the post of Brand Manager for the Australian brand 2XU new. Responsible is now Hansjörg Hörmann (37).

Hörmann follows Ralf Eggert, who has left the company after six years. Hörmann's main task in FSM is the authoritative management and development of the brand 2XU in sales and marketing in close consultation with FSM CEO Matthias Filser. The dialogue with the Central Shopping Sports associations belong equally to his duties as the care of key accounts and sales representatives.

A native of Garmisch-Partenkirchen Hormann have five years of experience in the sports industry. He gained his expertise at K2 Sports Europe in Penzberg. Here he occupied the post of Sales and Marketing Coordinator for the brand Madshus, later followed Zoot triathlon brand. At times, he had also acquired the sales of these brands in Switzerland.

Hörmann is supported by sales assistant Björn Friedl, who made his apprenticeship as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant from Filser Sports & marketing.

German Source Spomo.de

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