
Sports Brain to Demonstrate New Concussion Technologies at NFL Combine

Sports Brain will be showcasing two systems aimed at fighting the concussion crisis at the NFL Combine later this week at the Indiana Convention Center, Friday and Saturday, February 21st and 22nd, from 9 a.m. through 6 p.m. 

Deerfield, Illinois  February 20, 2014
“This is an opportunity for players, agents, team owners, athletic trainers, members of the press and other event attendees to learn firsthand the benefits of the two systems,” said Roy Kessel, Founder of Sports Brain.

“Having travelled around the country the last few years evaluating different emerging concussion technologies, we believe that these two systems fit in Sports Brain’s model because we can provide these services to many current and former athletes.”

The LENS, or Low Energy Neurofeedback System, is a neurofeedback system that uses feedback directly to the skin of the scalp, and requires no visual or conscious feedback. For all individuals, and especially for children, the feedback produces a measurable change in the brainwaves without conscious effort from the individual receiving the feedback, and does not rely on the therapist conducting the session.

“We conducted a pilot study with the NFL Alumni Chapter in Chicago and were able to achieve tremendous improvement for many of the former athletes,” said Roy Kessel. “We are hoping that by exposing more athletes and more of the NFL community to the capability of our system that we will be able to provide tangible relief for many of the current and former NFL players.”

The HeadRehab System is a comprehensive virtual reality system that can measure attention, balance, memory, and reaction time. The system can be used as a general baseline test as well as a training system to improve athlete performance.

“HeadRehab is a terrific system which incorporates the latest virtual reality technologies to provide the ability to test athletes in a dynamic environment rather than just sitting a desk with the traditional computerized exams,” said Roy Kessel.

“We are very excited to have a strong presence at the NFL Combine this year,” said Roy Kessel, Founder of Sports Brain. “Given the nature of the NFL Combine, this is an ideal environment for individual players and stakeholders to understand and learn more about the role baseline testing and performance enhancement can play in their career.

As we all learn more about the dangerous long term effects of concussions on athletes of all ages, it is important for everyone to understand how baseline testing systems will play a vital role in the safety of all athletes.”

About Sports Brain:

Sports Brain is a Chicago based organization concentrating on the implementation of comprehensive concussion baseline testing and concussion management programs to youth, high school, college, and professional sports organizations. Sports Brain also provides cognitive, mental toughness, and leadership development training to maximize mental performance both on and off the field. Sports Brain fights concussions by offering flexible schedules with multiple locations to make baseline testing more accessible.

For more information, visit http://www.YourSportsBrain.com.

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