
Outdoor : Promostyl Conference and trends winter 2015/2016

Annecy, February 25 - 60 people, including a large majority of Outdoor Sports Valley ( OSV ) members were present for the first Promostyl conference in Annecy.

This style office, created in 1966, offers answers and working ways to companies from different sectors and areas in terms of fashion and trends ( colors , materials and shapes) .

To meet the needs of businesses, the conference was dedicated to sport and its trends for winter 2015/2016 . A 4 themes mapping was then presented and detailed :

- Block
Trends oriented technology and sports performance that inspire an aesthetic man "machine."

Trends related to natural resources, harmony with nature, outdoor and yoga, as a strong point with the authentic aesthetic .

Trends related to artistic resources , the taste of fine materials that influence a new sport-chic aesthetic .

Trends oriented spiritual resources, energy dip in the early beliefs to tame adrenaline and extreme sports funs .

These 4 themes are detailed here .

To elaborate on each of these themes, several aspects were discussed at the conference : a marketing focus , a listing moodboard inspirations by theme , key colors, textile strengths and a focus shape.

Comparisons with the year collections have been made, as well as numerous illustrations related to ISPO show , allowing participants quickly view from presented trends.

In addition, several trends books were available.

For those who missed the conference, the next edition, free for OSV members will be held in Paris on March 18 .

For more information , send an email to: justine@outdoorsportsvalley.org .

Source OSV

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