
Business confrerence : An Analysis & Discussion on the Economic Situation of the Chinese Motorcycle Industry

By Mr. Li Bin, the Secretary General of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers Motorcycle Section

Even though the output and sales of the Chinese motorcycle industry has been remained number one for 18 consecutive years, the comprehensive competitiveness of the Chinese motorcycle industry is not strong nor is the overall development level of the industrial chain. There has been no constant production R & D in the industry over the past 30 years. Motorcycle manufacturers have applied insufficient innovative abilities, and their products are the same. The phenomenon of low-price competition and insufficient release of first-class products existed in the industry. The industry was in shortage of international first-class manufacturers and brands.

The Chinese motorcycle industry is a vital part of Chinese people's livelihood. The industry will play an increasingly significant role in expanding domestic demand and exports, constantly improving urban transportation and people's sense of well-being. Meanwhile, the world motorcycle industry is in the middle of a period in which motorcycle technologies are constantly upgrading, market demand structure, market pattern and competition pattern are all changing greatly; Chinese motorcycle industry is facing greater challenges. The Chinese motorcycle industry is the industry which had the earliest marketisation, and is fully marketised. The industry is now at the key stage for significant structural adjustment and industrial upgrade. No progress simply means regression.

Since the beginning of 2012, China's economic growth slowed down and exports faced more pressure. The Chinese motorcycle industry was greatly affected. China mostly exports its motorcycles to countries in Africa, the Middle East and South America. Since the beginning of 2012, the influence of worsening European debt crisis, the appreciation of RMB and the rising production costs have been taking effect on Chinese motorcycle exports which experienced a significant slump. The current global economic climate is complicated, the unemployment rate in the US is rising again, and the influence of the European debt crisis is far-reaching. The Chinese motorcycle industry whas harsh export prospects.

Reasons of motorcycle output and sales decline and the existing problems
China's economic growth slowed down due to the influence of macroeconomic policies. China's PMI (released by HSBC), which had been decreasing continuously since the beginning of 2011, dropped to 47.8, hitting a record low over the past 10 months, showing that China's domestic demand was low and its manufacturing industry was gloomy. From another point of view, China's CPI has remained at a record high since the end of 2009, and consumer goods prices soared. The overall level of CPI in China between January and August was up 2.9% from a year ago. According to the latest survey by People's Bank of China, 65.7% of people held that 'consumer goods prices were too high to be accepted', and the people's confidence index for their future income was only 53.2%, the lowest level since 1999 when the survey first began. Motorcycle consumers in China are mostly low-income people, and soaring consumer goods prices have greater affect on their lives.

The competition on the Chinese car market is fierce. Chinese car manufacturers are turning to the rural markets which are the traditional markets of Chinese motorcycles. The ban on the use or limit the use of motorcycles in Chinese cities has fostered the development of improper vehicles including 'illegal power assisted vehicles' and 'non-standard electric bicycles'. Meanwhile, the climate of the Chinese motorcycle market is dull, counterfeit and shoddy products are prevalent, and the illegal power-assisted vehicles and non-standard electric bicycles are not controlled for sales. All these vehicles have taken up the market shares of motorcycles, and severely affected the sales of conventional motorcycle products.

The progress of urbanisation and the flow of young and strong migrant workers into Chinese cities have 'hollowed' rural Chinese regions. So, motorcycle markets in rural areas are shrinking. The number of Chinese cities that 'ban the use or limit the use of motorcycles' is increasing every year, making motorcycle market shares shrink and affect motorcycle sales.

Since the implementation of the National III emission standards, Chinese motorcycle manufacturers have been busy dealing with it and have been slow in releasing new products. They lack technological innovation abilities. The average number of new products declared each month between January and August 2012 was only 40, the figure for the same period 2011 was over 100.

All regional governments implement land fiscal policies which lead to the price rise of land and property rent. Meanwhile, the product mixes of many Chinese motorcycle manufacturers were not reasonable. Most of their products were low-end products. Their distributors made little profit to maintain their normal business operation. Finally, they just quit the motorcycle business.

Forecast on the development trend of the Chinese motorcycle industry
The 'Twelfth Five-Year' period is the period of change and revolution for the Chinese motorcycle manufacturers to survive and develop. Not to change is to go backwards. Innovation is a necessity for the development of the Chinese motorcycle industry. Accelerating the transformation and upgrade of Chinese motorcycle enterprises and accelerating product upgrading has great significance for the sustainable development of the Chinese motorcycle industry.

Meanwhile, the influences that the European debt crisis and the slowdown of China's economic growth have on industries are continuously spreading. Along with the bursting of the fictitious economic bubbles, governments are gradually abandoning their excessive preferences for 'financial witchcraft'. Developed countries are rethinking the importance of the real economy. The roles that the manufacturing industry plays in helping economic balanced development and sustainable development are being revalued and reassessed. America puts forward the idea of revitalising high-tech manufacturing industry. Germany puts the stress of its economic construction on revitalising industries. The real economy will have development opportunities in the future.

In the short run, the European debt crisis and China's economic development will touch bottom next year. With the sudden change in the development preference of the European and American economic development, the 'golden decade' that China experienced in the past in foreign trade development will become history. The global and domestic motorcycle markets will be dull. The estimated total motorcycle output in China is about 25 million units in 2012, motorcycle exports will be about 9 million units, and domestic sales will reach about 14 million units, down 10% in the whole.

There are internal reasons, general economic climate and national policy reasons for the current gloomy motorcycle market. It is expected that the annual motorcycle demands for the coming few years will remain at about 3,000 units. However, market consumption structure will gradually change. High-end leisure motorcycle products will see fast growth. The market shares of traditional motorcycles will drop. Consumers will have better awareness for brand popularity. The competition on the Chinese motorcycle market will be further internationalised.

Countermeasures for the development of the Chinese motorcycle industry
The fast development of motorcycle markets in 2009 in China made Chinese motorcycle manufacturers develop by expanding their output capacities and competing by low production costs and low price sales. They lacked the technological accumulation for product R & D, lacked of differential product development strategies and product planning. Their products were more or less the same, and their R & D is restrained by market development. This led to the problem of rich product variety, so these motorcycle manufacturers didn't have a clear direction for product specialty. This severely affected their production management, sales and after-sales services. The facts that motorcycle manufacturers only expanded their output capacity and the governments banned the use of motorcycles contain the development of the Chinese motorcycle industry.

Improving technical content and promoting innovation are the only ways for Chinese motorcycle manufacturers and the Chinese motorcycle industry to survive and develop, deal with the current situation.

Characteristic enterprise development strategy
It is an important step for the motorcycle manufacturers to be certain of their development directions and targets and make definite differential development strategies if they want to achieve sustainable development. Here, the so-called differentiation is the characteristic development of motorcycle manufacturers. In today's 'energy-saving & environmental protection, and harmonious development' themed social environment, developing 'environmental-friendly, energy-saving friendly and social friendly' motorcycle products and achieving the transformation from 'labour intensive and scale merit industry' to 'quality merit' industry are great facts to determine whether the Chinese motorcycle industry will be able to carry on its development.

Differential product development planning
It is the actual implementation of enterprise development strategy and the basic guarantee of realising the enterprise's brand strategy to do a good job in making product development planning. An enterprise should make differential product planning which is suitable for itself based on the analysis and integration of its qualification, development direction, brand characters, and resources potentials. We have been stressing the 'crosswise development' of products, and all products are manufactured and sold within the same timeframe.

The enterprise should make product development planning in accordance to the characteristics of the enterprise. The enterprise carries out minor changes every year and big changes every two years based on the product planning, and then form the distinct product specialties of its own. The enterprise will achieve technical accumulation and technical advantages by international cooperation, sub-contract development, joint development and independent development. Then, the enterprise will achieve the interaction between product development and market demand. The previous product development strategy, 'producing one generation of products, researching & developing a new generation, and pre-researching a generation', of Chinese military industrial enterprises is still applicable. Many overseas motorcycle manufacturers are researching or have already developed engines suitable for phase-IV emission standards, and they can save fuel by 35%.

Establishing Chinese motorcycle key parts & components innovation system
Motorcycle parts and components are the basic things for product innovation. Due to substandard parts quality or poor parts production consistency, some newly-developed large-displacement motorcycles by some Chinese motorcycle manufacturers cannot be mass-produced, or have problems after mass production. Establishing key parts & components innovation & guarantee system is the basis and assurance for motorcycle product technical innovation, advanced performance and stable quality.

The Chinese motorcycle industry is planning to gathering popular, technically-advanced and strong parts and components makers to set up a 'China Motorcycle Key Parts & Components Industry Alliance' with the hope of strengthening planning, coordination, help and guidance for product R & D, technology introduction, production management and quality assurance system in the motorcycle key parts and components industry, achieving the comprehensive upgrade of technology, quality and management in the industry, establishing Chinese motorcycle key parts & components innovation systems. Then, the key parts & components guarantee that the system will be participated by many outstanding parts and components R & D enterprises. Meanwhile, the scale effect of in-advance parts & components R & D, performance and quality stable guarantee, costs and risk sharing will be successfully achieved.

Establishing 'motorcycle industry key parts and components innovation system' in the Chinese motorcycle industry is a great push for motorcycle product innovation and development, and a great measure to achieve mutual benefits and common development between motorcycle manufacturers and motorcycle parts makers.

Marketing strategies that can be adapted to new situation
Marketing strategies are an important part of enterprise development. Modern marketing is not only about 'selling products', but also about showing brand image to the society, providing services, leading cultural trend, and promoting taste and quality. Guiding consumers and developing markets while providing products and services, making these fuses with corporate culture and brand image, so that the enterprise and its brand can both be developed while society is progressing.

Rural areas are the most important part of Chinese motorcycle market, but not the only places for Chinese motorcycle products. China's rural motorcycle markets should never become the nicknames for places where shoddy quality and cheap motorcycle products are sold. Making marketing strategies suitable for new situations are the important part of the transformation and upgrade of a Chinese motorcycle manufacturer.

The traditional motorcycle marketing mode in China is the multiple distributing mode from province level to cities and then to towns. We adopted this kind of mode because rural areas are the major markets for motorcycles. Along with the changes of market demands and product mix, we must set up the multiple-marketing mode dominated by motorcycle culture, services and motorcycle activities.
The marketing mode should transform from singly selling motorcycles to selling motorcycle culture and services, and then expanding business in areas of motorcycle accessories, motorcycle apparel, motorcycle modification, motorcycle leisure and recreation. Motorcycle manufacturers should put in more effort in developing medium and big cities as well as their surrounding markets for the sales of leisure and recreational motorcycle products. They should set up the new multiple-marketing mode with rural markets as its foundation, medium and high-end motorcycle markets as its growth points, and set up the profit model of making product technology as its foundation, culture and services as its additional value creators.

( Source chinamotorcyclenews.com )

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