
Business news : Figures of the French boating market between 2010 and 2012

With 9 million occasional practitioners, the French sailing has no less than 4 million regular boaters. In France, more than 510,000 pleasure boats sailing activity. The economy of boating is 5,000 companies and 40,000 employees. In 2011, the turnover of the water sector amounted to more than 4 billion euros. World leader in sailing, the tire of skiing and the fourth producer of motorboats, the French Nautical Industries led, since 2008, a proactive strategy to enable them to adapt to the new economic situation. These industries we worked hard to strengthen their dominant positions in their industries. However, after a growth of almost 11% (2011 périodeseptembre 2010/août 2009/août compared to September 2010), the water production decreased by 20% in 2012. The numbers of cases in which it suffered a decline of 18%.

The French boating market in 2010-2011

The French water production increased significantly year on water 2010/2011. 54,548 units will be produced for a turnover of EUR 901 470 000. Important data on the market, over 66% of production was then dedicated to the export figure will be increasing in 2012. Over the period 2010-2011, despite the difficult economic environment, interest in water activities will not waned, as evidenced by the attendance at major events water, whether sports (The Route du Rhum, the Boating Party ...) or business (boat shows in Paris, Cannes, La Rochelle, etc..). As for water sports, so-called "trend" such as stand-up paddle, rowing and kayaking disciplines, kitesurfing or Wakebord, know a craze. Sea and river lease also attracting more and more followers. France, through the length and diversity of its coastline, its extensive network of waterways, as well as offering increasingly diverse maritime and inland rental, fully meet the expectations of a demanding public, research Getaway unusual.

The domestic market is mainly driven by the continued public interest in respect of water sports at a high level, as evidenced by the good health of all service activities and equipment sales (about 2.5 billion in sales), confirming a strong desire to sail, maintain his boat and upgrade facilities. Also noteworthy is the dynamism of used sales (5%) and a sharp increase in the number of permits issued pleasure (12%).

The large areas of the marine economy

In 2010-2011, GREAT WEST (Brittany, Normandy, Pays-de-la-Loire Centre) contributes to national turnover up 35% of the total, 1.51 billion euros. It concentrates 33% of the national workforce (13 421). The Pays de la Loire are alone responsible for 18% of sales and 14% of the national workforce, followed by the UK (12% and 12%). The MEDITERRANEAN (Language-doc-Roussillon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA), Rhone-Alpes, Auvergne Corsica) generates 1.47 billion in revenue, or 34% of the national total and 36% of the workforce (14 619). Companies located in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur make up a quarter of the national revenue and employees of the marina. Region SOUTH ATLANTIC (Poitou-Charentes, Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrenees and Limousin) concentrates 17% of the workforce (7122) and is responsible for 17% of sales (€ 738 million). The Poitou-Charentes region is the largest regional contributor, both in terms of turnover (9% national sales) than employees (10% of total).

The French boating market in 2011-2012

After the 11% increase observed in the previous season, 2011-2012 saw a sharp drop in water production. Indeed, the number of boats produced decreased by 20% (43,700 units) for an estimated turnover of 740 million euros, a decrease of 18%. However, 68% of this production was exported, a new record high. If European markets continue to suffer (-25% to -30% in general), new markets outside Europe continues to take over the application, stimulating exports (South America, Southeast Asia, Asia Pacific). End of 2012, some positive signs are noteworthy for the French water market. Thus, the second-hand market remained dynamic stabilizing at just over 64,000 units and the number of permits issued is growing strongly (+15% in 2011), reflecting an intact enthusiasm for activities water.

Orignial French source nautisme-info.com

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