
Web news : Diveboard launches “Diveboard for Businesses”

A powerful e-commerce solution to grow your scuba business online

Jul. 3, 2013 - PARIS, France -- With over 60.000 dives logged by 10.000 registered users and over half a million monthly pageviews, Diveboard has become the prime destination for scuba divers willing to log and share their diving experience online or eager to plan for their next dives.

While businesses were already entitled a dedicated space on Diveboard which they were able to lightly customize, we noticed that most dive shops only had a basic presence on the Internet.

Indeed, dive shops have very specific needs when it comes to interacting with customers, offering online bookings or advertising and marketing themselves, and those needs are hard to meet through common e-commerce platforms.

Today, Diveboard introduces “Diveboard for Businesses” as a first step to help Dive Professionals boost their online activity.

Diveboard for Businesses is built within the dive shop space on Diveboard and provides a set of marketing tools to boost their marketing and e-commerce needs by focusing on the following ideas:

With more than 32% of dives created on Diveboard tagged with a dive shop and 14.5% of shops reviewed by Diveboarders, most dive shops are already on Diveboard.

Shops can now take full ownership of their space and pimp it up with pictures and details regarding their location and services as well as with links to their other online spaces: facebook pages, official website....

Along with content created by customers during their dives which includes species spotted, detailed notes and pictures, this brings together a never-seen-before snapshot of what to expect when diving on a given spot with a given shop.

Along with this aggregation, “Diveboard for Businesses” brings tools for the dive professionals to answer reviews and interact with their customers and helping them manage their online reputation.

But dive shops have been asking for much more from Diveboard as Arthur Kerns, dive shop co-owner explains :

“Reaching out to new users is always a top priority and has been notoriously tough.
I’ve been waiting for Diveboard to help us market our services in a personal and targeted way.”


Less than 2% of Dive shops are currently selling their services online. Offering online bookings is the best way for customers to ensure everything will be ready for them when they get on-site while enabling shops to secure revenue and attract new customers.

Diveboard built the first fully automated e-commerce platform tailored for dive professionals. In just a few clicks the shop manager can advertise a list of services and courses he’s offering and start getting bookings.

A complete order management solution ensures the customer only gets billed when the booking is confirmed and enables the shop to secure bookings from divers living all over the world.

Finding new scuba divers online requires a very specific approach. Diveboard has developed a prime approach benefiting all listed dive professionals with a state-of-the-

art SEO solution. Driving half a million pageviews, Diveboard is the #1 destination for scuba divers exploring new destinations.

Included in the Diveboard for Businesses package comes geo-marketing solutions enabling professionals to target divers looking to dive around their location, so that advertisment gets as relevant as it can be.

On top of that Diveboard helps professionals aggregate their users into a community creating virality and word-of-mouth, bringing even more customers to their front door.

This launch comes as the conclusion of a 6 month project bringing a new facet to Diveboard’s face.

Pascal Manchon, Diveboard’s co-founder explains:

“This project has proven very challenging due to the the global nature of Diveboard’s customers. Bringing dive booking and marketing tools at a scale could not be done with an off-the-shelf platform, we had to rethink the whole process and come up with innovative solutions to fit our customer’s needs.”

Dive professionals can sign up today for free on http://www.diveboard.com/pro

About Diveboard
http://www.diveboard.com : Diveboard enables scuba divers to log and share their scuba experiences online and find out where to go diving next. Built as a platform, Diveboard connects dive professionals, manufacturers, travel agencies and scuba divers through a set of dedicated tools. Leveraging on the divers' reports to fuel a large scale database, Diveboard aims at answering the question "where should I go dive?" and making the selection and booking of dives at a dive shop seamless.

Dive professionals are equipped with dedicated e-commerce and marketing tools to leverage on the community and boost their businesses leveraging on their reputation and the quality of their services.

Launched in 2011, Diveboard quickly grew to become the #1 online logbook and leading scuba diver community, praised by many professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Diveboard also supports the scientific community and conservation efforts by acting as a citizen-science platform crowd-sourcing scientific data from divers involved in the program and sharing them with universities and scientifical international networks.

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