
Introducing the ski~mojo! Power Assisted Skiing for More Turns, More Fun

Sussex, England (February 18, 2014) – Introducing the ski~mojo (skimojo.com), a spring-activated exo-skeleton, which removes 1/3 of your weight/load from your legs and knees, effectively defying age and gravity, and enhancing skiing longevity and fun on the slopes.

The lightweight, patented design of the ski~mojo fits discreetly under ski pants and supports your legs, taking up to 1/3 of the strain off your legs and knees, and promoting good skiing posture which alleviates “thigh-burn”, sore knees and general fatigue.
Ski more laps, more days, more years.

Rather than externally stabilizing the knee joints, the patented ski~mojo support system actually reduces the load on your knees, and not just by a few percent, but by an amazing 25%-33% (based on recommended settings). The ski~mojo transfers the weight from your knees and legs directly to the shell of your ski boots, and assists you in pushing up from a deep knee bend position.

The root cause of the majority of injuries on the slopes is fatigue. Maintaining correct posture all day leads to lactic acid build up in the thighs. As fatigue sets in, skiers will alter their stance to alleviate the burn, which leads to poor technique, and in turn, injury. Fatigue becomes more of an issue as fitness levels drop, whether due to lack of preparation or simply the advance of the years. You may have upgraded your boots and skis, but now you can upgrade your knees and thighs.

An analogy: think of driving your car with and without the power steering and brakes. 
Having this technology doesn’t make you a better driver, but they do make driving easier.

Martin Hannaford, Managing Director of Kinetic Innovations Ltd, manufacturers of the ski~mojo shares anecdotal evidence of injury prevention, “to date not a single knee injury has been reported while wearing mojos, which is remarkable, given the number of ski~mojo customers and users who have given their feedback.

Typical ski~mojo customers are more prone than most to suffer from knee injuries – they’re a bit older, their fitness levels are dropping and they often have previous injuries – but no new injuries have been reported” Hannaford continued, ”a similar sized group of skiers across a similar range of ages and abilities would have been expected to have reported 5 or 6 torn ACLs (Anterior Cruciate Ligaments), and a whole host of other minor knee twists and/or sprains etc.“

ski~mojo also helps you get the full value from your lift ticket or pass, leave your friends in the dust, and have better stories to tell.

About ski~mojo
Based in Sussex, England, Kinetic Innovations Ltd designs and manufactures leg and knee support products for athletes and non-athletes to maintain and enjoy skiing and snowboarding for more runs, more days, more years.

Please visit skimojo.com for more information.

By press release

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