
Rollerblade® Rallies to "Get America Moving"

Industry Leader Participates in National Health through Fitness Day to Promote a More Active and Healthy Lifestyle

West Lebanon, NH  March 28, 2014
Rollerblade®, international leader in the inline skate industry, recently participated in the National Health Through Fitness Day at Capitol Hill from March 4-5, 2014. This year’s National Health Through Fitness Day, an event sponsored by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), marked the 15th year that the SFIA has brought together leaders from the fitness, sports, and physical education industries to help pass legislation that will help the United States overcome its sedentary lifestyle.

Over 130 congressional meetings took place as part of National Health Through Fitness Day, focusing on two key pieces of legislation. The Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) provides grants to local education agencies and community organizations to initiate, expand, or enhance physical education programs, and the Personal Health Investment Today Act (PHIT), which would allow Americans to use Pre-Tax Medical Accounts to pay for physical activity expenses.

Rollerblade Co-Presidents, Stephen Charrier and Jeremy Stonier, attended on behalf of the company, participating in 13 congressional meetings throughout the day.

“Passing these two bills will take significant steps forward in addressing the root causes to our country’s current sedentary lifestyle,” said Stephen Charrier, co-president of Rollerblade. “Years ago, Rollerblade brought the sport of inline skating to the larger public. In doing so, we recognize that making fitness not only enjoyable, but accessible, is necessary. It is events like National Health Through Fitness Day that are leading that charge.”

As the top innovator in the inline skate industry, Rollerblade seeks to provide people of all ages and skating levels with an opportunity to get outside in a fun and active way. National Health Through Fitness Day was a huge success as just one part of the SFIA’s ongoing efforts to pass legislation.

To get involved or learn more about National Health Through Fitness Day, please visit http://www.sfia.org/nhtf, and to find out more about Rollerblade, please visit http://www.rollerblade.com.

By press release

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