
Crowdfunding : Shot Stats Challenger - Make Your Tennis Racket Smart

Challenger lets you analyze and visualize your tennis game like never before.

Shot Stats Challenger fits on any tennis racket and reveals key stats about your swing.

Challenger finally allows you to instantly view your stats after every swing. Off court, you can sync Challenger with your phone or computer to view and track your improvement over time.


Challenger fits onto your racket like a normal dampener. An integrated latch lets you remove Challenger from your racket in seconds, but ensures that it will never come off on its own. The angular design and matte black finish resemble an object that’s constantly in stealth mode. Turn Challenger on and a bright display appears – your window into your game. Your racket takes a lot of abuse – and so can Challenger thanks to its high-strength aircraft aluminum body.

Data :

We decided on the metrics below because we believe they’ll help reveal the most important aspects of your swing and identify areas of improvement. Our goal was to select metrics that would benefit players of all levels and ages.


Unlike other activity trackers, Challenger can be used standalone. You don’t need to have a smartphone, tablet, or laptop to see your stats! However, if you do have a mobile device, your data can really be brought to life. Tracking your progress over time has never been easier and the ability to overlay your stats onto slow-motion video - in real-time using the in-app camera – gives you a powerful look into your game. Evolution mode allows you to track your trends and progress over time to provide even more insight. You can also examine specific sessions to get a deeper understanding.

Tennis is a community. You play in leagues, ladders, tournaments, team matches, or just for fun. Learning from other players, coaches, and even the Internet, allows you to improve. Shot Stats wants to help you grow your community by connecting you with the people around you. Improve your game by discovering new challengers and have a blast doing it!

Who they are ?

Lavie Sak ( Marketing and Business )

Growing up, my parents couldn't afford tennis lessons for me; regardless I found myself an old racket and a wall.  I fell in love with the game.  I looked for new ways to improve and new things to learn.  The more information I had, the better.  The more personalized the information, the better.
From that experience, I saw the importance of accessibility in tennis.  It's one of the key drivers for Shot Stats.  I want to see tennis, a game we love, reach everyone.
As a certified coach myself, I want to empower both the player and coach with meaningful data. I was never good enough to have an impact playing the game, but I truly believe I can through innovating it.

Sergey Feingold ( Design and Engeneering )

I've always known I wanted to be a creator. For a while I wasn't exactly sure what kind but I knew that I liked circuits, motors, wires, blinky lights, and all the things that come with them. Naturally, that led me down the engineering path. Seeing something come into the world, something that was once just an idea in your mind, is one of the best feelings I can imagine.
All engineers want to make a difference and have a positive impact. For so many people, tennis isn't just a sport. It's a way of life - or a symbol of something even greater. As a founder and the lead engineer of Shot Stats, I get to use technology to give tennis players something they've never had access to before. Every day brings new challenges, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Aside from engineering, I have a ridiculous love of both coffee and my weenie dog. I can make a pretty awesome Stroganoff too!

More informations on :
Shot Stats Website.

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