
Reed Guanghe to Strategically Reposition Golf Events -- China Golf Show and Asia Golf Show -- to Enhance Alignment with Industry Needs

BEIJING, April 30, 2014  -- Reed Guanghe Exhibitions recently unveiled plans to strategically reposition the Asia Golf Show and the China Golf Show, held annually in Shenzhen and Beijing respectively, into a new format that focuses on the segments of most keen interest to China's burgeoning golf industry.

Following extensive research with all stakeholders (including partners, supporting associations, exhibitors, visitors and other key stakeholders), from 2015, Reed Guanghe plans to expand its golf portfolio from two events each year to three exhibitions and a high-level Forum by end of the year to provide great networking and learning platform in a different format.

China Golf Merchandise Show/PGA Merchandise Show-China and Asia Golf Merchandise Show/PGA Merchandise Show-Asia will remain unchanged but focus only on Golf Merchandise sector. China Golf Industry Expo is launched as the annual trade show dedicated to the golf course design, construction and maintenance while the forum to provide industry leading education, good networking and hands-on demonstration for the trade professionals in a golf course. 

The move comes in response to the needs of China's golf industry for standalone identities for the golf merchandise and golf course construction segments.

"The new show positioning and strategy will enable the golf shows to deliver better value to our customers, thanks to better partnering and engagement with the industry and a more focused approach to meeting the diverse needs of the golf industry in China and across Asia

 This places us in prime position to unleash the growth potential that resides within the Chinese and Asian golf industries," said Josephine Lee, General Manager of Reed Guanghe Exhibitions.

The China Golf Industry Expo will be held in Beijing in March 2015 and Shenzhen the year after; alternating between these 2 cities year by year. The event will focus on course construction, maintenance design, landscaping, architecture and all other elements related to the cosmetic look and functionality of golf courses. 

It will be collocated with the PGA Merchandise China show in 2015, whose dual focus will be Merchandise and Travel, but they will be run separately in 2016 and onwards.

The China Golf Industry Forum will be a new and powerful supplement to the three exhibitions and scheduled for its inaugural edition in November 2015 in Shenzhen, the two-day forum will feature a demo day for Superintendents and General Managers taking place in a golf course. It is a very powerful education and networking platform supported by leading golfing associations, including GCSAA, GCBAA, ASGCA and The R&A.

Reed Guanghe expects the repositioning to enable the golf shows to meet customers' needs more effectively by better targeting and engaging with the industry.

For further information, please contact:
Andreas Schonning  / Tel: +86 755 2383 4556 / E-mail: info@reedguanghe.com  

SOURCE Reed Exhibitions

By press release

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