
New product : Xkuty, a remarkably lightweight electric scooter weighing in at a mere 45 kg (99 lb), originally designed in Spain

The FASB Concept

It was clear from the first moment: we did not want to design a vehicle that would be limited in taking you from A to B. Others have already done that.

At Xkuty we have tried to capture those unique sensations experienced when you go jogging, do sports, cycle or simply walk and have applied them to your daily commuting. This is how the FASB (Fully Assisted Bike) concept was born: by incorporating a hub motor on the Wheel, we have eliminated the need for chains, oil or petrol, and have solved three problems at one go: noise pollution, air pollution and dirt. The arrangement of the parts has been designed so that you do not have to get down or kneel on any surface or in the garage where you may get dirty.

What is more, we have reduced the total maximum weight of the Xkuty. As a result, its energy efficiency has been doubled: the battery uses less and you can handle your bike with ease.

No User’s Manual

Don’t add, take away. As a result of this, we have devised intuitive controls with one aim in mind; you will never need an instruction manual. The Xkuty has only what you need: a starter button, accelerator and brakes. Of course, we have also added lights, because you won’t be able to resist taking it out when it gets dark.


The design of the Xkuty fulfils the principle of ergonomotion: constantly seeking the most natural, comfortable position for the rider. This principle determines the height of the saddle and the height of the handlebar from the ground, as well as the distance between them, allowing comfortable foot support and an elbow flexion angle which is natural and relaxed.
The saddle design and its angle relative to the ground allow people of any height to ride it comfortably.
As a result, whether you are tall or short, young or old, a man or a woman, you will feel safe and relaxed riding the Xkuty. It will be easy to get on or off the Xkuty, as will accessing any fundamental component such as the battery, charger or control panel.


For every problem, a solution

In accordance with the ergonomotion principle, we removed the crossbar, which complicated the structure and generated the need to strengthen the frame. But we love to turn problems into solutions – calling ours “the double supporting beam frame”. This revolutionary idea allows extreme rigidity whilst at the same time being very light and permitting the optimal location of the batteries for weight distribution and the best road handling.


Think about that feeling that you have when you do any physical activity, encouraging you to ride a bike or motorbike, go down a ski slope or give it your all on a surfboard. This is something unique which awakens your senses and makes you enjoy yourself. We have worked hard to apply this to the Xkuty, and we call the result “Cyclefun”.
It has not been easy; we had to find just the right level of interaction between very diverse elements: weight distribution, wheelbase, wheel size, the amount of suspension (derived from mountain bikes) and the type of brakes (regenerative from the rear wheel). Everything to make the Xkuty fast, fun and highly manageable vehicle.


A bike which speaks

The Xkuty can speak several languages. Specifically Android and iOS. As a result, you can use your Smartphone to discover your speed or charge level, and even use GPS or any standard route-planning application and communicate with whoever you want to. All you have to do is download the official Xkuty app.

( Source and infos Xkuty  electric Bikes )

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