
Neil Pryde : Ambitious project is boosting Danish Windsurf and SUP

The Danish Sailing Association is taking unusual steps in order to grow windsurfing and Stand Up Paddling in the Danish clubs. Large trailers with JP boards and NeilPryde rigs are available free of charge for club activity. And it works!

For a country surrounded by clean waters and numerous fjords, lakes and islands, it is only natural that sailing has become a strong part of the culture. The Danish Sailing Association is one of the biggest sports associations in Denmark with a very strong structure of clubs and activities, but like most other sports associations, they are being challenged on the number of members. Especially young people want action and more active sports than traditional dinghy and boat sailing can offer.

An ambitious plan was launched some years ago with the clear target of attracting new members. Supported by the big Danish shipping company TORM, two large trailers were equipped with windsurf and kayak gear, wetsuits and vests, and made available free of charge for the clubs.
The plan was immediately successful. Danish Sailing Association’s windsurfing consultant Henrik Tang explains:

“With the activity trailers we want to inspire clubs and members for new activities in an easy and simple way. The clubs book the trailers online, and all they need to do is pick up the trailer where it was used latest and keep it until the next club picks it up.”

“We started with two activity trailers but quickly realized that there was a need for more, so we went back to TORM who fortunately liked the idea and supported another number of trailers. Today, we have 12 so called TORM trailers. Six of them are equipped with dinghies and equipment for traditional sailing. The other six trailers are equipped with windsurfing, SUP and sit on top kayaks, and all trailers are constantly on the road.”

“In 2014 alone the trailers have been booked 400 times, and the number of windsurfing related clubs has now doubled from 20 to 40. The TORM trailers are also boosting SUP at club level – today we have more than 25 clubs that run SUP activities at various levels. It is a great success, and we can strongly recommend other countries to make the same kind of project”

”The clubs are free to make their own plans with the trailers. Some clubs are inviting schools and institutions from the local area, and others are making events solely for their own members. This summer, more than 1,000 kids had fun with the trailers during special summer camps. For the Sailing Association, most important is that as many people as possible get inspired by water sports”

“We decided to equip the trailers solely with JP-Australia boards and NeilPryde sails and rig parts, and there are several reasons for that. Obviously because the gear works well on the water, but also because the two brands are providing an excellent service” – says Henrik Tang who has just ordered another 18 sets of JP/NeilPryde windsurfing gear for the 2015 TORM trailers.

By Neil Pryde ©

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