
Boating USA : EPA Renewable Fuel Standard comments due next week

In November, the recreational boating industry achieved a major victory when the EPA announced its proposal to modify the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and to reduce the amount of ethanol required to be blended into the nation’s fuel supply.

As required by law, the EPA is now soliciting public comments on its proposal before rendering a final decision.E-15 destroys marine engines and MBIA staff and Board will be submitting comments. But your voice, your opinions and your comments are critical to our overall success. We must be louder than the Corn Ethanol voices that will also be commenting.

We need the EPA to reduce the ethanol mandate for 2014 and modify the RFS to protect marine engines!  Comments are due by Tuesday, January 28.

It’s up to the boating community to show how this flawed policy is having devastating consequences on our industry.  We have deep concern over the effects that corn-based ethanol has on boater safety and the continued high repair cost of damage done to marine engines and outboard motors.

Your comments make a difference! We can’t sit on the sidelines. It’s time to take action and let the EPA know that we want lower ethanol mandates in 2014.

By Michigan Boating Industries Association

Read the full proposed rule Here. 

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