
Business news : Zodiac Marine: towards a restructuring "absolutely necessary"

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Olivier Sauty de Chalon, current CEO of Zodiac Marine , has announced that the fund Open Gate Capital was reinjected 5 million in capital, bringing the total to 6. These funds are intended to finance the development of the company, which brings together the three brands Zodiac , Bombard and Avon, and restructuring "absolutely necessary" , a word often means job losses.

It is true that since 2007, when the recovery of the marine branch of the French Zodiac Group by Carlyle Group , the brand has been particularly turbulent . In early 2012, five years after the sale , the owner decides to sell the fund group apartment , military activities Oaktree funds then become Milpro Zodiac and Zodiac Marine Opengate fund , the sale will be formalized in early 2013.

But turnover , which has continued to contract throughout the year, the pace of the tire market itself in free fall, does not allow the group to achieve the objectives back to balance set by CEO Patrice Henry . It will be thanked in November of the same year. Olivier Sauty de Chalon, who replaces him , is considered an expert in difficult cases.

Zodiac has already removed most of its manufacturing jobs in its French sites Rochefort ( historical birthplace of the brand ) and Saint -Jean- d'Illiac (Gironde ) and closed several plants abroad. The only French site importance still active is Toulouse

Source lemarin.fr

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