In celebration of World Water Day, Hurley's H2O program will capitalize on an opportunity to educate the public about global water scarcity. Three key programs aim to promote H2O's mission: combat the consumption of single-use plastics, raise awareness around water conservation and clean water initiatives, and provide access to clean water for those in need.

To kick off the day, Rob Machado, alongside the Rob Machado Foundation, will visit Corona Del Mar High School in Newport Beach, CA, for the 4th installation of Hydration Nation. This program empowers students to participate in an extension of the H2O program. Students raise awareness on their campus, eliminate plastics and raise money to bring filters to countries in need of clean water.&nbsp

After the Hydration Nation ceremony concludes, Rob will visit Hurley HQ with Evan Marks of The Ecology Center to conduct a digital Q&A with Hurley fans on the brand's Facebook page. "So many people don't realize that 1 in 6 people don't have access to clean water," said Machado. "What that really means is, 5 in 6 can help."

Throughout the day, Hurley will bolster the efforts by giving away free reusable water bottles with every purchase on By switching from single-use plastics to one reusable bottle, each person can save 2,000 gallons of water per year.

For more information on how you can be part of a solution, and to learn more about H2O, visit