
Qxylane launches its open innovation platform

Oxylane invites its customers to co-create the sporting products of tomorrow.

Who better than sportspeople know what they need to improve their game? Fully aware that sports enthusiasts have both expectations and innovative ideas, Oxylane is providing them with a co-working platform dedicated to the creation of new products: Open Oxylane.

On April 1st 2014, Oxylane will launch its on-line co-creation platform.

The aim: to design, alongside sportspeople from around the world, the products of tomorrow. Baptised Open Oxylane, anyone can put forward ideas, participate in projects led by members of the community and interact via a system of votes and comments.

The community will decide which projects and solutions to take further from among spontaneous ideas proposed by Internet users or one-off challenges launched by the various brands.

Users can interact and give their opinion at each stage of the creative process, from defining functions to selecting materials and colours and choosing a name and even the price.

Everyone’s actions, whether an idea, vote or comment will be taken into consideration to guarantee, at the end of the day, the satisfaction of having played a part in the creation of a real-life product … and also to win prizes according to each and everyone’s contribution.

Sportspeople play an active role in improving their game.

The future unbreakable ping-pong ball or the football which comes back on its own to the middle of the pitch are just some of the outstanding and amazing projects which, with the help of the community, will maybe one day be on the shelves of your Decathlon store.


Source Oxylane

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