
Media :Nike Greater China’s “Give Me the Ball” campaign inspires kids to make their mark



Give a kid a chance, a nudge in the right direction, and astounding things can happen. That’s the premise of “Give Me the Ball,” a new basketball campaign driven by Nike Greater China.
“Give Me the Ball” motivates players to dream big, speak up, take charge and make their own mark with just a basketball in their hands.

Iconic global players Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant and Yi Jianlian appear in the “Wish List” - the new film in the Give Me the Ball campaign - along with Chinese icons, actor Chen Jianzhou and renowned basketball commentator Zhang Weiping. The film also celebrates aspiring basketballers hungry for a break.

“Playing basketball was my dream and passion as a kid. The ball symbolized an opportunity, a chance to work hard and see what was possible,” Bryant said. “Every aspiring player should feel that possibility when the ball is in their hands.”
Kevin Durant had the same dream: “When I was a kid, basketball was my life. In some ways, it’s such a simple game: just give me the ball and the rest will take care of itself,” Durant said. “I hope to inspire kids to go after what they want, starting with the ball.”
Yi Jianlian, MVP of the Chinese Basketball Association League regular season and All Star Game, applies the new campaign to his current season. “Give me the ball, I will bring you the Championship,” he posted on Weibo, aiming to bring a title to his Guangdong Southern Tigers.
Chinese rising star, 2012-13 Rookie of the Year and MVP of the Rookie Challenge Wang Zhelin also believes in the power of the ball: “When you have the ball in competition, you need to take more responsibility. When I tell a teammate to give me the ball, it means I’m ready to take that responsibility.”
Stacy Wall, whose work includes previous Nike campaigns L’il Penny, The LeBrons, MVPuppets and LeBron Rise, directed the 78-second “Wish List.” The film will air throughout March on national entertainment and sports networks in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The broader campaign features extensive digital, out-of-home and print executions.


"给我个球场, 给我观众, 给我对手, 给我条规矩去打破, 给我…"这是一个篮球少年的愿望!如同世界各地的青少年一样,中国的青少年们面对着 成长的压力与烦恼,无法逃避,必须面对。耐克最新篮球行销活动“把球给我”应运而生,激励年轻一代大胆喊出对胜利的渴望,用手中的篮球掌握命运,赢得属于 自己的未来。
作为本次活动的重头戏,耐克精心打造了一支名为“愿望清单”的广告片,通过激情而富有节奏的自白,展示了一个少年不断壮大的篮球愿望。值得一提的 是,耐克力邀国内外著名篮球人士亲身参与“愿望清单”的拍摄,在片中,不但能够看到如科比•布莱恩特、凯文•杜兰特、易建联等篮球明星的身影,还有艺人陈 建州“司职”球场主持人,著名篮球评论员张卫平为比赛“解说”,共同为他们的“英雄”加油。整个影片也几乎还原了一个球员的生活点滴,从打球到选秀、从签 署球队合同到拥有明星队员、直到成为万众瞩目的焦点、甚至出席速配节目。每一个篮球运动员都能从中找到自己的影子——那个曾经一旦拿到球便光芒四射的自 己。“把球给我,不用给我风头,我会自己赢回来!”这不仅仅是中国篮球运动员的自我期许,更是篮球运动员的态度与骄傲。
“把球给我,我将还你一个总冠军。”这句自信十足的誓言来自易建联的微博,他刚获得了CBA常规赛与全明星赛的双料MVP,但这远远还不够,为球队 争夺至尊荣耀才是他不懈努力的目标。而作为中国篮坛的后备力量,19岁的一年级新生王哲林,凭借他出彩的表现,获得了星锐赛的MVP,更对篮球有了全新的 感悟,“请给我一颗篮球,我喜欢去尝试,愿意去努力。我渴望能随时随地拿起篮球走上球场,我希望赢得一个和别人不一样的未来。”
该广告片由耐克大中华区与上海韦登迪广告(Wieden + Kennedy)携手打造,Stacy Wall担任导演,此前他曾参与L’il Penny, LeBron系列,耐克2008宣传片“一个新的队伍”等多部电视广告的制作。

( Source Nike )

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