
German retailer Sport + Mode Selzer ( Wiesbaden) closes end of february

After 15 years, the Wiesbaden Sports Shop Sport + Mode Selzer, closes end of February . CEO Karl -Heinz Selzer gives private reasons and changing market conditions , which would have led to the abandonment of its business.

The reflection which leads to this decision, has grown since last summer, said owner and CEO Karl-Heinz Selzer.

He did not want to continue on the winter season 2013/2014, and the results were so bad that it seals the decision.

The age of Mr Selzer is a part of the  decision, but also changes in the purchasing behavior of customers and competition from Internet.

The sports shop in central Wiesbaden city center location that specialized in ski , golf, tennis , running and swimwear and addressed with a focus on premium brands in particular an affluent clientele .

The sell-off will continue until the end of February .

The professional future of Mr Selzer ( 59-year-old) stay open

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