
People : TP Sports ( DE ) manages professional athletes Gührs

TP Sports now supports professional wakeboarders Dominik Gührs (22) from Munich. In all aspects of management and communication

Professional athletes Gührs operates his sport with success: Multiple world champion, won numerous World Cups and contests as well as a portfolio of well-known companies that support it, prove it. Munich extended its portfolio to the current mainstays sales, marketing, communications, consulting and coaching. TP Sports versa also in some way back to the roots: the management behind TP Sports worked before setting up the sales structure in sports management and can now take advantage of the contacts and synergies.

"We want to strengthen the brand Dominik Gührs in the coming years and look forward to presenting the first new sponsor of the era with TP Sports Opel as mobility partner. Dominik will in future travel with an Opel Mokka his race in Germany, "says Daniel Trapp, owner of TP Sports GmbH & Co KG.

( German source spomo.de )

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