
Tim Calhoun Announced Formation of SpeedMob, Inc.

RICHMOND, CA – May 1, 2014 –  Tim Calhoun, CEO and President of LeoVince USA, announced the formation of a new business venture, SpeedMob, Inc. This new company will specialize in managing premium brands for the powersports, automotive and bicycle sectors.

According to Calhoun: “SpeedMob will be a forward facing company that will deal directly with dealers, racers and consumers to offer unprecedented communication, support and enthusiasm for the brands we represent. We intend to create a company that embraces input, learns from feedback and strives to foster an active and continuous conversation with all of our customers. Our goal is to create an attentive and responsive company that can react quickly to the fast changing trends and market shifts. It is a new active approach to integrate our brands and their range of products at the most human level.”

“We have hired Acorn Woods Communications as our agency of record and have had lengthy discussions about new ways to approach today’s opportunities, and I really like the direction we are headed,” Calhoun continued. “We began our strategizing at the business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) models, and then the Acorn Woods team hit me with their new approach to the market: (H2H) or human to human.”

“I decided immediately that this was the approach I wanted to embrace,” Calhoun concluded. “The motivation is to remember that we are in the business of offering fun and exciting products that promote our customers’ passion and enhance performance. We want to begin with a conversation, speak openly and more importantly listen with the intent of learning how to best manage our brands to fit the wants, needs and expectations of the enthusiasts that become brand ambassadors for these amazing products.”

Look for more news to come from SpeedMob, Inc. in the weeks ahead.

By press release

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