
Bad news : Boating, Guy Couach creator of the shypard died

Nautical manufacturer Guy Couach pioneer yachting and founder in 1960 of the Gujan-Mestras ( Gironde/France) luxury yachts shipyard , died Monday, does on Tuesday from sources. The family said in a funeral notice of the death of Guy Couach , 88 years old according to the newspaper Sud-Ouest , an ad also published on the company website facebook Yachts exception, founded by his son Pierre Couach .

Guy Couach in 1962 had founded a shipyard in Gujan- Mestras on the Arcachon basin, whence came yachts in series bearing his signature , including several hundred sail today.

The yard has become a major player in the manufacture of yachting boats with composite materials , " a movement in which he was a pioneer , one of the great men of sailing ," said AFP Christophe Kloeckner CEO Couach bought in 2011 by the company Nepteam owned by local industrial investors.

Couach remains specialized in design , manufacture and marketing of luxury yachts from 20 to 50 m , boats for professional use, and patrol boats and launches composites for navies, customs, coastguard .

AFP Source

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